Industry News

Win the Fight Against Leaf-feeding Insects

Japanese Beetle Damage
Japanese beetle damage
Nancy Rechcigl, Syngenta photo, 2017.

Leaf-feeding insects are common ornamental pests that can cause severe damage if left unchecked. Depending on the type of leaf feeder you encounter, these destructive insects can cause damage ranging from small holes to completely skeletonized foliage. Some leaf feeders, such as aphids, are also known to transmit plant viruses.

Acelepryn® insecticide offers long-lasting control of key leaf-feeding pests in greenhouses and nurseries, including:

  • Japanese beetles
  • Leaf-feeding caterpillars, including Eastern tent caterpillars, fall webworm and bagworms
  • Sawfly larvae
  • Hemlock wooly adelgids
  • Clearwing moths
  • Lace bugs
  • Aphids
  • Birch leafminers

Insects will stop feeding shortly after ingestion, which minimizes injury to the plant and reduces pest populations.

Add Flexibility to the Fight

Acelepryn can be applied a variety of ways, including by foliar spray, drench, soil treatment and bark application. As a foliar spray, Acelepryn provides up to four weeks of control of lepidopteran pests. When applied as a drench or soil treatment, its systemic activity allows it to move upward into the canopy providing longer residual control.

Applied as a bark treatment, Acelepryn can protect plants against clearwing moth and borer larvae. This long-lasting, reliable control can help reduce repeat applications, saving time and resources.

Control of Melon Aphid on Hibiscus Melon Aphid drench application chart
Drench application. Application rates are per ft. of shrub height. 2015 – Uber.

Acelepryn is suitable for use on a wide range of crops, including ornamental plants, woody ornamental plants and trees, shrubs, evergreens and conifers.

Acelepryn is powered by the novel active ingredient chlorantraniliprole in IRAC group 28 and offers an alternative for neonicotinoids and other older chemistries. To reduce work disruptions, Acelepryn features a four-hour REI (restricted-entry interval) with no signal word and requires minimal personal protective equipment.

There are also no known adverse effects on beneficial and non-target organisms, like bees and biological control agents.

Take action now and learn how Acelepryn can help you win the fight against leaf-feeding insects. Visit to learn more.

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